Project Team

Dr. Marius Echim (ISS, project director) is a research scientist with expertise in space plasma physics, kinetic processes, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, nonlinear processes, like intermittency in the terrestrial magnetosphere; numerical simulations with test particles, advanced time series analysis. He graduated from the University of Bucharest, Romania and holds a Ph.D. in space physics from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. He is the author of more than 40 scientific papers from which 34 in ISI rated scientific journals. He has a good understanding of satellite data like ESA’s Cluster, Venus Express and NASA’s THEMIS. He was director of several national and international research projects in Romania and abroad. He was the Coordinator of the European FP7 project STORM, 20132015. Dr. Echim will be in charge with the project management, coordination of the ISS team, data analysis tools and optimization procedures, on-board algorithms and resources.

Prof. Octavian Cret (UTCN, partner responsible) is with UTCN, one of the top 12 universities in Romania (according to the classification from 2011), since 2009. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science – Reconfigurable Computing Systems from UTCN in 2004. He is a specialist of Reconfigurable Computing Systems and their applications, Digital Systems Design and FPGA-based Design. He was a Program committee member, Publications chair or reviewer at some important conferences in this field, like ReConfig 2011, ICCP, FPL etc. He has already been in charge of three international research projects, two with an industrial partner (National Instruments, U.S.A.) and one “Brancusi” project with ENS Lyon (20062008). He also was the project director for 7 one national research projects in the field of Reconfigurable Computing / Digital Systems Design. He has held significant local responsibilities at UTCN, as a responsible for the Quality Assurance Department in the Automation and Computer Science Faculty of UTCN. He currently is an expert for the Romanian National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), was an expert for the Romanian National Competencies Agency (ANC) etc. He also was a project proposals evaluator for National Research Agencies in Belgium (SBO programme) and Bulgaria (Bulgarian National Science Fund), but also in Romania (CNCSIS).

Team members from ISS:

  1. Echim Marius
  2. Ciobanu Mircea
  3. Voitcu Gabriel
  4. Teodorescu Eliza
  5. Munteanu Costel
  6. Negrea Catalin
  7. Dumitru Sorin George

Team members from UTCN:

  1. Cret Octavian
  2. Suciu Alin
  3. Hedesiu Horia
  4. Vacariu Lucia
  5. Marton Kinga
  6. Hangan Anca
  7. Deak Norbert
  8. Opincariu Laurentiu
  9. Costea Aurora
Research supported by the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) through the Space Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Programme.