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O. Maris
Institute for Space Sciences, RO-077125 Bucharest, Romania

G. Maris
Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy , RO-020032, Bucharest, Romania


   A catalogue of high speed streams (HSSs) in the solar wind during solar cycle 23 (1996 – 2008) was set up. We have intended to continue the previous catalogues of the HSSs (Lindblad and Lundstedt: 1981, 1983, 1989; Mavromichalaki et al.: 1988, 1998) in order to cover the solar cycles nos. 20 – 23 (1964 – 2008).

The HSS definition: „A large increase in the solar wind velocity lasting for several days”.

We have used the same identification and calculation criteria of the streams as Lindblad and Lundsted (1981; 1983; 1989) considering that these ones allows more precisely to determine the HSS start and finish. The identification criterion: D V1 100 km/s lasting for two days, where: D V1=V1-V0 (V0 is the smallest 3-hr plasma velocity for a given day and V1, the largest 3-hr plasma velocity for the following day) .
The data sources of solar wind velocity consist of OMNI Data – an hourly resolution multi-source data set – and SOHO data.

Regression line of the OMNI-SOHO data (Nov. 2002)

Data Sources:       The HSS catalogue is organised in yearly tables and lists the basic parameters of the fast streams, the solar source nature of the each stream and, the dominant polarity of the IMF for the duration of stream.

The column significations are:
  • Columns 1–6 give the start data of the streams, by: Y – year; M – month; D – day; 3-H – 3-hr interval of the start day; BR – Bartels Rotation; D-BR – day of Bartels Rotation, corresponding to the calendar day of the stream start;
  • Column 7: V0 – minimum (pre-stream) velocity of the stream (km/s);
  • Column 8: V1 – maximum velocity in the second day of the stream (km/s) ;
  • Column 9: dt1 – time interval between V0 and V1 (in number of 3-hr intervals);
  • Column 10: VMax – maximum velocity of the stream (km/s) ;
  • Column 11: Dur – duration of the stream, (in days) ;
  • Column 12: D V1 = V1-V0– jump of the plasma velocity in the second day of the event (km/s) ;
  • Column 13: DVM=Vmax-V0 – maximum jump of the plasma velocity (km/s) ;
  • Column 14: IMF – the dominant polarity of the IMFduring the stream (+/- or -/+ means a sectorial border);
  • Column 15: Source – the solar source of the stream: CH – coronal hole; F – solar  flares or other eruptive phenomena).

The Earth's encounters with HSSs and a favorable orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (with a southern Bz component) trigger geomagnetic storms. The readers interested in these geomagnetic effects can find “COMPLEX CATALOGUE (GEOMAGNETIC STORMS – HIGH SPEED STREAMS; 1996 – 2008)” at:

Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by mentioning the source and authors of the catalog.


Acknowledgements.  The authors acknowledge the OMNI data, obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNI Web interface at, as well as the solar wind data obtained by courtesy of SOHO/CELIAS/MTOF team. SOHO is a mission of international cooperation between ESA and NASA. We also acknowledge the Hα data from National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)/Solar Data Services, maintained by Helen. E. Coffey.



Lindblad, B. A., Lundstedt, H.: 1981, A catalogue of high-speed plasma streams in the solar wind, Solar Phys. , 74 , 197-206.

Lindblad, B. A., Lundstedt, H.: 1983, A catalogue of high-speed plasma streams in the solar wind 1975-78, Solar Phys ., 88 , 377-382.

Lindblad, B. A., Lundstedt, H., Larsson, B.: 1989, A third catalogue of high-speed plasma streams in the solar wind – Data for 1978-1982, Solar Phys ., 120 , 145-152.

Mavromichalaki, H., Vassilaki, A., Marmatsouri, E.: 1988, A catalogue of high-speed solar-wind streams: further evidence of their relationship to Ap – index, Solar Phys. , 115 , 345-365.

Mavromichalaki, H., Vassilaki, A.: 1998, Fast plasma streams recorded near the Earth during 1985-1996, Solar Phys ., 183 , 181-200.

HSS Catalogue (1996-2008)

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 20022003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008